AIGA Fellow
Yale School of Management Certification
MFA from the University of Alabama
Adjunct Professor of Design at Covenant College; University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Internship with Sagmeister, Inc.
2020: Featured in book Optimum Type by Sandu Publishing
2018: Featured on The Art of the Menu
2018: Featured on the Dieline
2018: Featured on Packaging of the World
2012: Selected for publication in Print’s Regional Design Annual
2011: Named AIGA Fellow
2010: Half Campaign featured on GOOD magazine’s web site
2009: Selected for publication in 1000 More Graphic Elements
2008: Selected for publication in STEP Inside Design’s 100 Annual
2007: Selected for Publication in Print’s Regional Design Annual
2007: Gold Award in AIGA Tennessee’s TEN Show
2006: Selected for publication in HOW’s International Design Annual
2005: Best-of Show, Gold, Bronze and Merit awards in the AIGA TEN Show
2005: Selected for exhibition in the Chattahoochee Valley Museum of Art
2004: Selected for exhibition in the 10x10 show in Austin, Texas
2004: One Show Design Merit Winner
2004: Selected for publication in Graphis Letterhead 6
2004: Winner of 3 Certificates at Regional ADDY Awards
2004: Winner of Knoxville Best-of-Show ADDY
2004: Winner of 3 Chattanooga ADDY Awards – including Best of Show
2003: Winner of 6 Chattanooga ADDY Awards – including Best of Show and Judge’s Award
2003: One Show Design Merit Winner
2003: Selected for publication in the Communication Arts Design Annual 43
2003: Selected for publication in the Type Directors Club Annual Typography 24
2002: ADDY Certificate of Merit
2001: Selected for exhibition in This Is Good Design 2 competition (3 designs)
2001: Selected for publication in WorldStudio’s Wish You Were Here
2000: Winner of 6 Local ADDY Awards – including Best of Show
1999: Selected for exhibition in This Is Good Design competition (5 pieces)
1998: Winner of Local & Regional ADDY Awards
1998: Selected for publication in the HOW International Design Annual
1997: Selected for publication in the HOW Self-Promotion Annual
1996: Selected for publication in the Step-by-Step Graphic Design Annual
1995: Selected for publication in the HOW Self-Promotion Annual